The Definition And Principles Of Ethical Sales

2 min readNov 22, 2021
Unsplash Nathan Dumlao

Are you a social entrepreneur who sometimes feels lost with all the different terminologies and principles used in the impact world?

What is the difference between a social entrepreneur and an impact entrepreneur? Are your business practices purpose-driven or sustainable? Or maybe even both?

Should you have an ethical sales strategy or a mindful sales strategy? And what the heck does that even mean?

I feel you… Sometimes the impact world feels like a giant ocean full of buzzwords people use because it makes them and their businesses sound better.

Let’s Talk About Ethical Sales

I want to help you today and bring some light into the dark. I want to talk with you about ethical sales, what it means (to me) and how to apply its principles.

Let’s get started with a short definition:

Ethical sales is the art of doing sales aligned with your personal set of values while ensuring that you only use trustworthy practices, don’t hide information or share lies, and don’t apply manipulation techniques.

In practice, this means you comprehend the following principles when you are an ethical seller:

You won’t sell your solutions to someone you know they aren’t a good fit. You are honest to your prospects and customers if you realize you are not a good match.

You don’t embrace a sell-at-all cost mentality and are willing to trade short-term losses for the sake of long-term wins

Follow Through
You keep your words and do what you agree on. You never make promises you know you can’t or don’t want to keep just to make a sell.

Be honourable
You don’t badmouth about competitors to look better in front of your prospects. If someone else has a good product or service as well, honour that instead of discrediting it.

Keep the good relationship up
Don’t leave the prospect or customer alone after the sale. This is the phase where most questions and insecurities occur. They bought your product or service because they trusted in YOUR words. Still, keep the communication up if needed, and don’t outsource it to someone else in your team or the customer service entirely.




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